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Extra Virgin Olive Oil For Baking

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Millions of people love to bake. Baking is not just cooking. It is a perfect blend of science and art.

You must be careful of adding ingredients in the correct ratio and proportion. Besides, it is essential to note the quantity of the flour and its type. Do you know what is the most crucial thing while baking? Use of flour softener that will improve the texture and overall taste of the baked item. Usually, expert bakers will use butter or margarine for baking. For some people, they are not a very healthy option.

If you want your baked item to be nutritious, you can use vegetable oil, or canola oil. Have you ever thought of using extra virgin olive oil?

You might be thinking that it is absurd to use extra virgin olive oil in baking. Chefs have used extra virgin olive oil to dress salads and sauté. Right? Besides salads, you can use extra virgin olive oil for baking. It will help you make the cakes, pastries, and muffins delicious.

Why Is Extra Virgin Olive Oil Is Good for Baking?

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Virgin olive oil has a moderate-to-high smoke point that helps maintain that stability.

Besides, it contains monounsaturated fats and high levels of polyphenol antioxidants.

These are best to keep your heart healthy. You will never suffer from heart issues or cholesterol problems. According to the experts, extra virgin olive oil is the most flavorful of all the oils. You can use it in baking and consume the most healthy food.

Here is everything you need to know about baking with extra virgin olive oil.

#1 Olive Oil Is Known For Offering Healthy And Tasty Baked Goods:

While baking, you should always consume extra virgin olive oil. It is healthy and imparts a fresh, floral, and peppery flavor to the baked food items.

If you want to prepare something savory, fruity or nutty food item, olive oil will complement it.

Besides this, you will find baked items to be smooth and soft with extra virgin olive oil.

#2 When Should You Avoid Extra Virgin Olive Oil For Baking?

You should not use olive oil when the recipes ask for butter and sugar. It will diminish the taste and health benefits of olive oils. Therefore, you should avoid using olive oil in such recipes.

#3 Benefits Of Using Extra Virgin Olive Oil For Baking:

Benefits Of Extra Virgin Olive Oil

A. Olive Oil Is A Rich Source Of Healthy Monounsaturated Fats

Olive oil is considered natural as it gets extracted from olives. There are no preservatives or chemicals present in it.

If you check the nutritional values, it contains 14 to 15 percent saturated fat. Apart from this, it has 11 percent polyunsaturated fats. These fats are healthy for the body, as they comprise omega3 and omega-6 fatty acids.

Besides, you will get oleic acid, which is monosaturated fat.

The best aspect is monosaturated fat has resistance to extreme heat.

Therefore, you can use them for cooking. It will remain healthy for your body.

B. Olive Oil Is a Reservoir Of Antioxidants

The presence of antioxidants in the extra virgin olive oil helps to make it nutritious. It has a high quantity of vitamins E and K.

It helps in reducing chronic diseases and keeps the body healthy.

C. Olive Oil Exhibits Anti-Inflammatory Properties

The presence of monosaturated fats - oleic acid helps reduce the inflammations in the body.

D. Olive Oil Is Best For Preventing Strokes

We know that extra virgin olive oil is healthy. It is because the oil contains bioactive compounds such as polyphenols. They do not support any unhealthy fats. Therefore, the body remains healthy and fit. The chances of blood thickening and vein blockages reduce. It will prevent heart strokes and other heart diseases.

E. Olive Oil Prevent Excessive Weight Gain and Obesity

Extra virgin olive oil contains monosaturated fats. These are healthy fats and do not develop an excessive layer of unhealthy fats in the body. If you are trying to keep your weight under control, it is essential to consume extra virgin olive oil.


Now, you have understood the significance of extra virgin olive oil. But the crucial thing is where will you get fresh and high-quality extra virgin olive oil? Aril Estate is the only name that should come to your mind. They are the leading supplier of fresh farm products in Australia. You can check out the website to buy the highest quality farm products from Aril Estate.

tags: extra virgin olive oil olive oil for baking
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