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Extra Virgin Olive Oil – Myths & Truths

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Extra virgin olive oil is nutritious. It contains high amounts of antioxidants, monosaturated fats, minerals, and essential vitamins.

Most of you are aware of the health benefits offered by extra virgin olive oil.

Fitness enthusiasts usually use extra virgin olive oil on their salads to ensure a healthy body.

According to an expert nutritionist, extra virgin olive oils help prevent strokes, inflammation, obesity, or other body issues. It is healthy for pregnant mothers as it aids in the development of the nervous system.

But not everyone has complete knowledge of extra virgin olive oil. It is due to the myths prevailing in society.

These myths try to suppress the truth and make it hard to reach out to people. Through these articles, we will help you to bust all the myths related to extra virgin olive oil and bring out the truth.

Myth 1: You Cannot Use Extra Virgin Olive Oil For Cooking:

Usually, people used to assume that olive oil is for garnishing salads.

But it is not the truth.

Extra virgin olive oil comprises natural antioxidants.

The antioxidants help to maintain the stability of the oil.

Moreover, it makes the oil-resistant to heat. Therefore, you can use it for cooking and baking.

Whether you want to deep-fry, sauté or pan-fry, extra virgin olive oil is the best.

Myth 2: Extra Virgin Olive Oil Does Not Come With An Expiry Date:

olive oil

Well, this is not true at all.

Extra virgin olive oil gets extracted from the olive fruits. It means the products are natural.

You can use it for a long period of time.

But the oil will degrade after some time. If you want to keep it fresh for long, use proper storing techniques. You should fill the olive oil in a glass bottle, fix the cork, and place it in a cool, dark place.

Myth 3: With Heating Extra Virgin Olive Oil, It Will Generate Trans Fats:

As you already know, olive oil contains a high amount of monosaturated fats and antioxidants.

The presence of antioxidants increases the resistance of oil to heat. Therefore.

It prevents the oil from undergoing the hydrogenation process. There is no possibility to generate trans fats.

You can get trans fats from the oil when the oil undergoes a hydrogenation process. Even if you overheat the olive oil, it will not generate trans fats.

Myth 4: The Presence Of Dark Green Color Of Olive Oil Verifies Its Purity:

Purity Of Olive Oil

It is a myth because the color is not the deciding factor for the purity of the extra virgin olive oil. To ensure the authenticity or purity of olive oil, you should buy a branded product from reputed grocery stores. With branded products, you will always get high quality.

Myth 5: Cooking In Extra Virgin Olive Oil Will Destroy The Nutritional Values:

Another myth revolving around the nutritional values of extra virgin olive oil.

Most often, people say that while cooking in olive oil, you will lose all its nutritional value. It may happen due to excessive heat while cooking. But it is a myth. Olive oil is resistant to heat and keeps all the nutrients intact. Even the vegetable nutrients will not be lost while you cook in olive oil.

Myth 6: You Cannot Apply Extra Virgin Olive Oil On The Non-Stick Pans:

Many people assume, they cannot use extra virgin olive oil with non-stick pans. The oil might stick to the pan and do not help in proper cooking.

It is not the truth.

You can use olive oil in any utensil, and it will give you the best results. Make sure you are using authentic and high-quality olive oil while cooking.

The presence of a high amount of antioxidants does not cause any problem while cooking or baking in extra virgin olive oil.


Where can you get the highest quality fresh extra virgin olive oil? You can get it from Aril Estate in Australia. They are the leading supplier of top-notch quality olive oil and various other fresh products. They have a family-owned farm business, which makes them the authentic supplier of fresh farm products. You can visit the website today to get the best products from the online stores. So what are you waiting for?

tags: olive oil
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